Our Objectives
Represent European Scientists On Genome Editing
Advocate The Potential Of Genome Editing For Agriculture
Facilitate Science-Based Policy Making
Contact persons
Prof. Dr. Dirk Inzé
Science Director at VIB and Coordinator of the EU-SAGE network

Dr. Eng. Oana Dima
Executive Manager of the EU-SAGE network

Eng. René Custers
Regulatory & Responsible Research Manager of the EU-SAGE network
What Our Members Share
The support we received for this initiative from plant scientists all over Europe has been overwhelming from the start. To me, it clearly illustrates the current dichotomy in Europe: as European leaders in the field of plant sciences we are committed to bringing innovative and sustainable solutions to agriculture, but we are hindered by an outdated regulatory framework that is not in line with recent scientific evidence. With the EU-SAGE network we hope to promote evidence-informed policymaking in the EU, which is of crucial importance to us all.